DeutschlandPlus & Safe Water for Scools in Africa

Germany & Africa
Forest ecology & energy efficiency (drinking water treatment)
Gold Standard
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The DeutschlandPlus combined certificate offsets CO₂ emissions through a climate protection project for clean drinking water at schools in Africa. In addition, for every tonne of CO₂ offset, a contribution is made to regional forest ecology projects in the Ahr Valley, Black Forest and Thuringia. In this way, international climate protection is combined with local commitment.

DeutschlandPlus, Aufforstung
Safe Drinking Waer Africa

Clean drinking water for schools in Africa

Many schools around the world face the challenge of creating a humane and safe learning environment. Compliance with basic health and hygiene standards is a particular problem in many countries, which also has a major impact on school systems. A key problem is the lack of access to clean drinking water. Although water treatment technologies exist, they are often not affordable for schools and school authorities.

The Safe Water Programme initiated by Impact Water offers a solution for schools in Nigeria and Kenya by providing clean drinking water. As part of this project, modern and reliable water treatment technologies are made available that also work without a power or water connection. The project is a so-called "Programme of Activities" (PoA), which consists of various micro-projects. It is financed through the sale of emission reductions achieved by eliminating the need to purify water by boiling it with firewood. To date, the project has already reached over 50,000 schools and more than 20 million schoolchildren and adults. The total emissions saving is around 2 million tonnes of CO2e per year. By the end of 2025, several tens of thousands of schools are expected to benefit from this project.

Aim of this project

The aim of the Safe Water Programme is to provide schools in Nigeria and Kenya with clean drinking water and at the same time make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. By providing affordable water treatment technologies, the programme aims to improve the health and hygiene situation in schools and ensure access to clean drinking water. At the same time, the project helps to reduce dependence on firewood, which not only reduces CO2 emissions but also slows down deforestation. By the end of 2025, the project aims to reach tens of thousands of schools and thus sustainably improve the living conditions of millions of pupils and teachers.
Sustainable development

The fulfilled Sustainable Development Goals

In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, the climate protection projects generate a variety of additional benefits for people and the environment. This enables and strengthens our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG Keine Armut
It aims to end poverty in all its forms worldwide. It calls for ensuring that all people have access to the basics of a decent life and emphasises the link between poverty risks and environmental conditions. Measures such as adaptation to climate change and equitable access to resources should support poor population groups in particular.

SDG Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
The aim is to ensure a healthy life for all people of all ages and to promote general well-being. It includes measures to reduce health risks from environmental pollution such as hazardous chemicals, air and water pollution. Environmental policy initiatives, such as the protection of air and soil and the reduction of noise pollution, make a significant contribution to achieving this goal.

SDG Geschlechtergleichheit
It promotes gender equality and aims to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls. It calls for equal access to resources and equal opportunities in leadership positions and decision-making processes. The connection between gender equality and environmental policy is particularly important, especially with regard to the negative impact of environmental changes on women.

SDG Sauberes Wasser und Sanitaereeinrichtung
It ensures access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities for all people. It includes the sustainable use of water resources, protection against pollution and the efficient management of water. The connection between water scarcity and the effects of climate change also plays a central role.

SDG Bezahlbare und Saubere Energie
The goal is access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all. It aims to increase the share of renewable energies and double energy efficiency, particularly in developing countries. The expansion of renewable energies and the adaptation of infrastructure are key to minimising environmental pollution and achieving climate targets.

SDG Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftwachstum
It promotes sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. It includes increasing resource efficiency and decoupling economic growth from environmental consumption. In addition, the focus is on innovations and green business models that ensure both economic progress and social prosperity.

SDG Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion
It promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns in order to operate within planetary boundaries. It focuses on decoupling resource consumption and emissions and promoting the circular economy in order to minimise waste and environmental pollution. Consumers are to be empowered to consume responsibly through information and measures such as reducing food waste.

SDG Massnahmen zum Klimaschutz
The aim is to take immediate action against climate change and its effects. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote climate adaptation measures and raise awareness of climate impacts. Particular emphasis is placed on international cooperation to support poorer countries in combating climate change and strengthening climate resilience.

SDG Leben an Land
It is committed to the protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Forests, soils and biodiversity are to be preserved and the loss of habitats halted. Measures to combat desertification and poaching play a central role, as does the protection of endangered species.

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