Weyerhäuser – Uruguay

Forest protection and reforestation
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The Lumin/Eucapine Uruguay Forest Plantations project is dedicated to the reforestation of degraded grasslands in Uruguay. Sustainably managed eucalyptus plantations are established on these areas to improve soil quality, promote carbon sequestration and provide wood as a renewable resource. The plantations are managed in accordance with ecological and social criteria and are also used for extensive grazing, which ensures sustainable land use. This project contributes significantly to the renaturation of degraded areas and the promotion of sustainable forestry.

Project goals

  • Carbon sequestration: Promote CO₂ sequestration through the establishment of large-scale eucalyptus plantations.
  • Renaturation of degraded areas: Improving soil quality and reducing soil erosion.
  • Sustainable timber production: provision of timber as a renewable resource in strict compliance with ecological standards
  • Combined land use: Integration of forestry and extensive grazing to maximize land use diversity.
  • Protection of biodiversity: Promotion of habitats for local flora and fauna.

Technical details

  • Location: Degraded grasslands in Uruguay.
  • Area: Several thousand hectares of land previously affected by overgrazing and soil erosion.
  • Tree species: Sustainably cultivated eucalyptus species adapted to local climatic conditions.
  • Land use: Combination of forestry and extensive grazing to provide continued utilization opportunities for local livestock farmers.
  • Sustainability standards: Certified by international standards such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and Verra.

Economic and social benefits

Jobs: Creation of jobs in reforestation, maintenance and management of the plantations.
Local economy: Promotion of the regional economy through the sustainable production and marketing of timber products.
Grazing areas: Preservation of extensive grazing areas that provide income opportunities for local farmers.
Education and training measures: Promoting sustainable practices through training for the local population.
Improved livelihoods: Increasing the resilience of communities through sustainable land use.

Global climate impact

The project makes a decisive contribution to the global climate protection agenda:

  • CO₂ sequestration: annual storage of millions of tons of CO₂ in biomass and soil.
  • Reducing land degradation: converting degraded grasslands into productive and biodiversity-rich areas.
  • Promoting sustainable forestry: providing a model for combining timber production, climate protection and the preservation of livelihoods
  • Contributing to international climate goals: Supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement through sustainable CO₂ sequestration and improved land use.

Conclusion: The Lumin/Eucapine Uruguay Forest Plantations project is a pioneering example of sustainable land use and reforestation. It combines climate protection, economic efficiency and social responsibility by transforming degraded land into productive and biodiversity-rich landscapes. The project serves as a model for similar projects worldwide.

Klimaschutzprojekt - Aufforstung Lumin/Weyerhäuser
Klimaschutzprojekt - Aufforstung Lumin/Weyerhäuser
Sustainable development

The fullfiled Sustainable Development Goals

In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, the climate protection projects generate a variety of additional benefits for people and the environment. This enables and strengthens our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG Keine Armut
Es zielt darauf ab, Armut in allen Formen weltweit zu beenden. Es fordert die Sicherstellung, dass alle Menschen Zugang zu den Grundlagen eines menschenwürdigen Lebens haben, und betont den Zusammenhang zwischen Armutsrisiken und Umweltbedingungen. Maßnahmen wie die Anpassung an den Klimawandel und der gerechte Zugang zu Ressourcen sollen besonders arme Bevölkerungsgruppen unterstützen.

SDG Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftwachstum
Es fördert nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle. Es beinhaltet die Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz und die Entkopplung des Wirtschaftswachstums vom Umweltverbrauch. Zusätzlich liegt der Fokus auf Innovationen und grünen Geschäftsmodellen, die sowohl wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt als auch sozialen Wohlstand sichern.

SDG Weniger Ungleichheit
It aims to reduce inequalities within and between countries. It promotes the social, economic and political inclusion of all people, regardless of age, gender, origin or other characteristics. Environmental policy contributes to reducing inequality by supporting disadvantaged groups and improving access to natural resources.

SDG Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion
It promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns in order to operate within planetary boundaries. It focuses on decoupling resource consumption and emissions and promoting the circular economy in order to minimize waste and pollution. Consumers are to be empowered to consume responsibly through information and measures such as reducing food waste.

SDG Massnahmen zum Klimaschutz
The aim is to take immediate action against climate change and its effects. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote climate adaptation measures and raise awareness of climate impacts. Particular emphasis is placed on international cooperation to support poorer countries in combating climate change and strengthening climate resilience.

SDG Leben an Land
It is committed to the protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Forests, soils and biodiversity are to be preserved and the loss of habitats halted. Measures to combat desertification and poaching play a central role, as does the protection of endangered species.

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