Cooling down the planet

If we can heat the earth, we can also cool it down.

Justdiggit istan organization that is committed to climateutz und die Heilung von Naturräumen einsetzt.

The goal: to combat climate change by restoring landscapes worldwide.

Planting trees, improving soils, using water intelligently.

Their recipe for success:
"landscape water management", using techniques such as water ditches to store water and moisten the soil. This increases soil fertility, revitalizes nature and increases water availability.

Justdiggit relies on education to raise awareness. Collaboration with local communities and farmers creates projects that strengthen the climate and environment. Their aim is to make the earth more absorbent of carbon and improve the lives of people and nature. An active contribution to combating climate change and strengthening resilient ecosystems.

The cooling power of vegetation: Wide range of advantages at a glance


Cooling effect of vegetation

Shade and moisture from plants cool the soil and air. Clearly recognizable from this picture: vegetated areas are noticeably cooler than inanimate ones.

Restore the water cycle

Plant evaporation cools the soil, increases humidity and promotes cloud formation. This favors rain, especially at the beginning and end of the rainy season, and restores the water cycle. Shade and moisture from plants cool the soil and air. Clearly recognizable from this picture: vegetated areas are noticeably cooler than inanimate ones.

Improved soil water supply

Plant roots loosen the soil, facilitate water entry. Shade reduces soil evaporation, increases water availability.

Upgrading soil quality

More plants mean more nutrients and organic material in the soil. Roots store nutrients, beneficial for trees and plants; plant roots loosen the soil, facilitate water entry. Shade reduces soil evaporation, increases water availability.

Erosion protection

Plant roots stabilize the soil during heavy rain, prevent erosion and maintain fertile soil.

CO2 absorption

Vegetation not only cools locally, but also influences the regional and global climate. CO2 uptake lowers CO2 levels, reduces the greenhouse effect. On a large scale, it contributes to global climate mitigation. Plant roots stabilize the soil during heavy rainfall, prevent erosion and maintain fertile soil.

The Greening techniques


"Fanya Juu" and"Fanya Chini" are rainwater harvesting methods for farmers

By digging ditches along the edges of their fields, they prevent erosion and collect valuable rainwater in their fields. "Fanya Chini" (Swahili for "throw down") prevents rain falling outside the field from entering it and causing soil erosion. "Fanya Juu" ("throw upwards") prevents rain from running off within the field and increases the availability of water for the plants. Farmers in Dodoma, Tanzania, use these methods to regenerate their farms.

Land degradation, especially through overgrazing, is a major cause of land degradation

The solution: targeted grazing management. By preventing animals from grazing in endangered areas, we enable these areas to recover. Through projects, knowledge about livestock and pasture management is imparted in close cooperation with the Maasai communities. The aim is to revitalize deserted areas. Pasture management is a core component of the initiatives in Amboseli National Park, the Olgulului-Ololarashi Group Ranch and the Kuku Group Ranch in Kenya.

Olopololi plots: Revival of a traditional Maasai pasture management method

The Olopololi plots are demarcated areas on communal land where grazing is limited in time. This can happen at the end of the dry season, for example, when alternative sources of fodder are scarce, or only for certain animals such as calves. Together with our local partners, we have revived this traditional method. With the help of marked posts and awareness campaigns, we inform the local communities about the applicable grazing rules.

Stone bar: rainwater harvesting and erosion protection in one

This method is used to collect rainwater and prevent soil erosion. It is used particularly in project areas with a high stone content. The stones break the erosive force of the water and help it to penetrate the soil. Seeds and organic matter collect behind the stones, improving conditions for plant germination and growth. We use stone bars in our project area in the Kuku Group Ranch.

Protected forest areas: A contribution to the restoration of tree cover

The impact of grazing wild animals and livestock has resulted in large treeless areas. Temporary protection from elephants in deforested areas can turn the area back into a savannah forest.

Realizing the SDGs through sustainable measures

Justdiggit helps to increase income through dams and grass seed banks.

The return of trees increases food production and promotes food security.

Justdiggit is committed to the participation of women and creates income opportunities.

Improvement of the water situation through rainwater utilization techniques and greening measures.

Justdiggit's projects create local sources of income and jobs, with particular support for women.

Replanting contributes to CO2 sequestration and improves ecosystems and drought resistance.

In addition to educational facilities for children, adult education is a focus of the project. Training centers for young adults promote sustainable development opportunities. The networking of educational institutions in Germany and Togo facilitates the exchange of knowledge.

In addition to educational facilities for children, adult education is a focus of the project. Training centers for young adults promote sustainable development opportunities. The networking of educational institutions in Germany and Togo facilitates the exchange of knowledge.

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