Togo Plus

Togo Plus combines certified CO2 offsetting with the improvement of local social structures in West Africa.
This is Togo Plus
Don't want to have to choose between offsetting your CO2 emissions and your commitment, regardless of offsetting greenhouse gases? Perfect, because our Togo Plus offer meets your needs exactly. Togo Plus - bridges the gap between sustainable commitment and effective climate protection.
Togo Plus is not just an initiative; it is a promise for the future: you offset your CO2 emissions by investing exclusively in climate protection projects that are certified to the highest standards - Gold Standard, VCS or CDM. We are currently supporting a solar climate protection project in India by offsetting CO2 emissions. But that's not all: for every tonne of CO2 you offset, you make an additional contribution to our heart project in Togo. Your commitment enables us to take concrete action on the ground and actively promote climate protection and the improvement of social structures in West Africa.
Commitment to West Africa
With your additional contribution to Togo Plus, we bring numerous additional social projects to life in PROJECT TOGO, West Africa:
Agricultural cooperatives
include sheep and rabbit breeding, beekeeping and the marketing of animals, honey and dried fruit.
Training programmes and workshops
offer training in sheep farming, beekeeping, rabbit breeding, food preservation, water and hygiene management, and building maintenance, among other things.
Planting fruit varieties
such as moringa, pineapple, bananas, cocoa, coffee and cashew improves the income of the local population.
Water projects
include transport solutions, well construction and maintenance, water filter systems and rainwater utilisation.
Energy initiatives
focus on the installation and maintenance of solar systems to supply light to the community.
School projects
promote environmental awareness with children's workshops, tree collections and the maintenance of tree nurseries.
Hygiene facilities
relate to the construction and maintenance of sanitary facilities.
Job creation
in the areas of tree nurseries, forestry, agriculture and administration. Events including cinema evenings and village festivals enrich community life.


Have you become curious? Delve deeper and discover the fascinating possibilities offered by PROJECT TOGO. On our pages you will find valuable information and innovative solutions.

Direct help where it is needed most:

  • The support goes where climate change is already clearly noticeable. The effects of climate change, which is mainly caused by industrialised countries, are particularly noticeable in the Global South. Climate protection projects in these regions support effective adaptation to these changes.

More impact for your money:

  • The implementation of climate protection measures is significantly cheaper in developing countries than in industrialised countries. Your commitment will therefore have a much greater impact there.

Additional projects that could not be realised without your support:

  • A key criterion for offsetting projects is their additionality - they would not be possible without the certificate proceeds.

CO2 equalisation within the EU - a question of double counting:

  • For example, forests: All forests, whether private or public, are counted as sinks in national forest inventories in the EU. It is therefore problematic for companies to count commitment rights, as this would lead to double counting.

Regional commitment - the counterpart to Togo Plus

Our "Kombiprojekte Deutschland Plus" projects give companies the opportunity to actively shape their regional responsibility. These innovative projects combine climate protection certification with the promotion of local forest ecology projects. The certificate you receive stands for greenhouse gas sequestration or reduction, while part of your investment specifically supports regional forestry offices.

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