natureOffice welcomes Immanuel Bader as new CEO

  • natureOffice News

natureOffice GmbH, a leading provider of carbon accounting and offsetting, is pleased to announce the appointment of Immanuel Bader as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This strategic decision marks a significant milestone in the history of natureOffice and underlines the commitment to support companies on their way to more sustainability and environmental awareness.

natureOffice GmbH, a leading provider of carbon accounting and offsetting, is pleased to announce the appointment of Immanuel Bader as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This strategic decision marks a significant milestone in the history of natureOffice and underlines the commitment to support companies on their way to more sustainability and environmental awareness.

Immanuel Bader brings impressive leadership experience in the areas of sustainability and corporate governance. As former CEO of a leading company in the TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) segment, he has achieved significant success in strategic development and operational management. His ability to expand business models and implement innovations is invaluable to natureOffice.

Immanuel Bader will join Andreas Weckwert as the new CEO to drive natureOffice's vision forward. His goal is to help companies calculate and understand their CO₂ emissions and derive measures to reduce their ecological footprint. Together with his team, he strives to lead natureOffice to the forefront of the sustainability movement and evolve the company's offerings to meet the changing needs of global businesses.

“I am thrilled to be part of a company that is playing such an important role in the fight against climate change,” says Immanuel Bader. “It is an honor and a great responsibility to lead natureOffice at this crucial time. Together with my team, I will work towards realizing our vision of a more sustainable and environmentally conscious economy.”

Andreas Weckwert, existing Managing Director of natureOffice, is delighted with the appointment of Immanuel Bader: “We warmly welcome Immanuel Bader as our new CEO at natureOffice. His experience and passion for sustainability are the perfect addition to our team. We are confident that his leadership will help us continue to grow and advance our mission of a more sustainable future.”

The appointment of Immanuel Bader as CEO of natureOffice is effective immediately. His leadership will not only strengthen the company's strategic direction, but will also help minimize the environmental footprint of businesses worldwide.


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