EU Deforestation Act: Important information for print shops & agencies

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In 2023, the European Union adopted the EU Deforestation Act (officially: EU Regulation on combating deforestation). The aim of this law is to ensure that products entering the EU market do not contribute to deforestation. This also affects printers and agencies, as many printed products such as brochures, packaging and books are based on paper whose raw material, wood, may come from deforested areas. This guide is intended to help printers and agencies meet the requirements of the law and take the necessary measures.

What does the EU Deforestation Act regulate?

The EU Deforestation Act aims to prevent the import and distribution of products that lead to deforestation in the EU. Companies that import or sell wood, paper or cardboard must ensure that these materials come from sustainable, deforestation-free sources. The law requires evidence of the entire supply chain and companies must prove the traceability and sustainability of their products.

When does the EU deforestation law come into force?

Originally, the regulation came into force on June 30, 2023, and after a transitional period, it was to be applied on a mandatory basis from December 30, 2024. An extended transition period of 24 months was planned for small companies, with validity from June 30, 2025.

However, the EU Commission is planning to postpone the law's entry into force by one year due to feedback on the preparation period. If the proposal is adopted by the EU Parliament and member states, the law would now become mandatory for large companies on December 30, 2025 and for micro and small companies on June 30, 2026. This adjustment is intended to give the parties concerned more time to implement the complex requirements of the EU Deforestation Act and prepare the necessary measures to comply with the regulations.

Requirements of the EU Deforestation Act:

Proof of sustainability in the supply chain:

  1. Proof of origin of the paper
  2. Certificates such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification)
  3. Complete traceability back to the source
  4. Preparation of due diligence reports
  5. Regular supplier audits and comprehensive documentation

Companies that violate the law must expect strict sanctions such as import bans or high fines.

Link between the EU Deforestation Act and CO₂ emissions

The EU Deforestation Act plays a crucial role in reducing CO₂ emissions, as forests act as natural carbon sinks. By preventing deforestation, the law not only protects biodiversity and ecosystems, but also makes a significant contribution to climate protection. Forests absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere and store it in trees and soil over the long term. When forests are cut down, this stored carbon is released and increases the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The strict requirements of the EU Deforestation Act on the use of wood and paper products from sustainable forestry are intended to prevent the loss of forests and thus minimize the release of CO₂. At the same time, CO₂ sequestration is maintained by protecting existing forests, which makes a significant contribution to achieving global climate targets.

Measures to reduce CO₂ emissions under the Act:
  • Avoidance of deforestation: Regulating the origin of wood products prevents materials from illegally deforested areas from entering the market.
  • Promotion of sustainable forestry: certificates such as FSC and PEFC ensure that only wood from responsible forestry is used, which secures the forest stock in the long term.
  • Reducing the ecological footprint: By using recycled paper and reducing paper consumption, print shops and agencies can further reduce CO₂ emissions.
Impact on print shops and agencies

For printers and agencies, the EU deforestation law means that their supply chains, especially for paper and packaging materials, must be adapted to the new regulations. It is not enough to simply use sustainable paper; it must also be fully documented where it comes from and the sustainability of the materials must be communicated transparently.

Steps to comply with the law:
  • Sustainable paper sourcing: only use certified paper that meets either FSC or PEFC standards.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of the origin of the paper and traceability back to the source.
  • Transparency: Inform your customers about the sustainability of your materials and present the relevant certificates.
Measures to comply with the EU Deforestation Act

Printers and agencies should take the following measures to comply with the requirements of the EU Deforestation Act:

  • Procurement of certified paper
    Only use paper that is certified according to FSC or PEFC standards. These certificates guarantee that the wood used comes from sustainable forestry. Also look for a Chain of Custody certificate, which ensures complete documentation of the entire supply chain.


  • Supplier audits and risk assessment
    Carry out regular audits of your suppliers to ensure that they comply with legal requirements. You should also carry out a risk assessment, especially if you source materials from regions that are prone to deforestation.


  • Traceability of materials
    Use digital tools such as blockchain or geographic information systems (GIS) to ensure the traceability of your materials. Each delivery must be supported by appropriate certificates to prove the origin of the paper.


  • Reduction and recycling
    Reduce paper consumption and use more recycled paper to reduce your ecological footprint. Promote closed material cycles and develop strategies to reduce waste.


  • Concrete evidence and documents
    In order to prove compliance with the EU Deforestation Act, printing companies and agencies must provide various certificates:
    • FSC or PEFC certificates: every paper delivery must be backed up by these certificates.
    • Supplier declarations: Ask for written confirmations from your suppliers that the products meet the requirements of the law.
    • Traceability documents: Document the entire supply chain to prove paper origin.
    • Due diligence reports: Create reports on the measures taken to prevent deforestation in your products.
Case study: Sustainable advertising campaign

A client wants to print 500,000 brochures for an advertising campaign. The agency chooses a printing company that uses FSC-certified paper. The print shop requests the FSC certificate and the Chain of Custody certificate from the supplier. These measures guarantee complete traceability and prove the sustainable origin of the materials. This ensures compliance with the EU Deforestation Act and strengthens customer confidence.


The EU Deforestation Act brings new challenges, but also offers opportunities. By using certified materials, transparent supply chains and seamless verification, print shops and agencies can not only meet the legal requirements, but also strengthen the trust of their customers. Sustainable procurement and open communication are the key to positioning themselves successfully in the market.

Working Together for Sustainable Solutions!

Use natureOffice as a partner to meet the requirements of the EU Deforestation Act and reduce your CO₂ emissions at the same time.

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