Using natureOffice labels correctly

Here you will find all the information and guidelines you need to optimise the use of our natureOffice labels in your media. This will ensure that your commitment is well recognised and that communication is transparent.

Get to know the components and variants of our labels

Would you like to familiarise yourself with the full range of our labels and the information they contain before using them? You can find all the relevant details on a separate page.
Correct application
To ensure that the label is easy to read on products or in other media, you will find information on recommended sizes here.
To ensure that the labelling is legible, the label must not be smaller than the specified minimum size.

Please note:To ensure transparency, the label must always be placed in a size in which the ID number can be read without technical aids.
Horizontal variant

For the horizontal variants, the height of the labels serves as a reference for determining the ideal size. This recommendation also applies to wider label variants with the addition of emissions compensation.
Variant in block arrangement

With the variant in block arrangement, the width of the labels serves as a reference for determining the ideal size. This recommendation applies to all versions of this variant.
Standard label protection zones

The protection zone is the minimum distance to other elements and must be maintained in order to give the label sufficient space. For the horizontal variants, this minimum distance is half the height of the label; for the variant in block arrangement, it is 1/4 of the width of the label.
Placement example

In this example, the horizontal version of the label with a height of 15 mm was placed on product packaging. Therefore, the distance to other graphic elements or the edge must be at least 7.5 mm.
Correct application
The compact label is a particularly space-saving version of the natureOffice label. Here you will find the information you need to use the label in such a way that it is still easy to read at all times.
To ensure that the labelling is legible, the label must not be smaller than the specified minimum size.

Please note:
To ensure transparency, the label must always be placed in a size in which the ID number can be read without technical aids.
Horizontal variants

For horizontal variants, the height of the compact label serves as a reference for determining the ideal size.
Vertical variants

With vertical variants, on the other hand, the width is the reference for determining the ideal size.
Compact label protection zones

The protection zone is the minimum distance to other elements and must be maintained in order to allow sufficient space for the label. For the horizontal variants, this minimum distance is half the height of the label, for the vertical variant half the width.
Placement example

In this example, the horizontal version of the compact label with a height of 12 mm was placed on the label of a jam jar. Therefore, the distance to other graphic elements or the edge must be at least 6 mm.
Correct application
To ensure that the label is easy to read in the various media, you will find information on recommended sizes and placement here.
The partner label is typically used in digital applications such as websites in addition to printed media. Accordingly, in addition to information in millimetres (mm), you will also find information in pixels (px).

To ensure that the labelling is legible, the label must not be smaller than the specified minimum size. For the best possible use, you should orientate yourself on the optimum size.
Horizontal variants

For horizontal variants, the height of the partner label serves as a reference for determining the ideal size.
Variants in block arrangement

With variants in block arrangement, however, the width is the reference for determining the ideal size.
Partner label protection zones

The protection zone is the minimum distance to other elements and must be maintained in order to give the label sufficient space. For the horizontal variants, this minimum distance is half the height of the label; for the variant in block arrangement, it is 1/5 of the width of the label.
Placement example

In this example, the horizontal version of the partner label was placed on a website with a height of 72 px (pixels). Therefore, the distance to other graphic elements or the border must be at least 36 px.
Dos and don'ts
Not all variants and display options are permitted. However, the following restrictions ultimately serve to ensure uniformity, recognition and transparency of your own commitment.
Please observe the following guidelines in order to place the natureOffice labels correctly in your media and to ensure the correct colours and sufficient contrast for optimum legibility.

Specifications for richtigen Platzierung

Use the label unaltered from the templates.
Place the label large enough so that all text is clearly legible. Observe minimum sizes.
Observe the protection zone and the distance to other objects.
Do not distort or deform the logo.
Do not place the logo so small that it is no longer legible.
Do not cut the logo or place it too close to other objects.

Specifications for Colors and contrast

Place the coloured label on white or light grey backgrounds.
Use the black label on coloured surfaces. Make sure there is sufficient contrast.
Use the label in the original colours from the templates.
Do not use the coloured label on coloured surfaces.
Do not use the black label on dark coloured surfaces with low contrast.
The label must not be coloured.

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Tracking-ID abrufen

Hier können Sie anhand einer natureOffice-Tracking-ID die Details eines Carbon Footprints abrufen. Geben Sie dazu einfach die natureOffice-Tracking-ID ein:

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Tracking-ID retrieve

Here you can call up the details of a carbon footprint using a natureOffice tracking ID. Simply enter the natureOffice tracking ID:

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