natureOffice labels in detail

Below you will find a guide to the natureOffice labelling system. This was developed to fulfil the desire for more transparency in climate protection and to support the development towards a sustainable society.
Our labelling system includes a wide range of variants for different applications and areas of use. Our labels for companies (CCF) and products (PCF) or packaging or printed products are a particular focus.
Voluntary climate protection is changing rapidly. Over the past two years, we have noticed that awareness of climate and environmental protection has increased significantly among consumers and companies. In addition, new regulations as part of the Green Deal are leading to further changes. At the same time, our target groups have become better informed and more critical. They want to know exactly what measures companies are taking to minimise their climate-damaging impact and expect more than just the promise of climate-neutral services. To meet these higher expectations, we have revised our climate-neutral label. The new label emphasises the calculated CO2 emissions of companies, products or processes. In addition to the familiar tracking link and QR code, it now also shows the data used in the CO2 calculation and the calculated CO2 value. Climate neutrality remains an important step in the fight against climate change. That is why the label also makes it transparent that these emissions have been offset by climate protection projects.
natureOffice Label klimaneutral standrad englisch
natureOffice Label kompakt Standrad englisch
Example: Label for products, packaging and other servicesThis label and its variants can be used to transparently report the emissions of products, packaging or printed products.
Example: Label for Corporate Carbon FootprintsThis label can be used to transparently report the calculated and offset emissions of companies. The CCF label is currently only issued in the compact version.
Products and more
Here you can familiarise yourself with the range of labels we provide to transparently communicate the emissions of your products, packaging or printed matter.
The labels are designed for these applicationsWould you like to communicate the emissions of your product transparently to your customers? Or would you like to clearly show your suppliers the emissions as part of the Supplier Specific Carbon Footprint? You can use our labels on your products, packaging and in your communication to provide open information about your climate protection efforts. As the available space often varies, we have developed different versions in different sizes that you can use flexibly for your communication.

So you can use this Label received

Through the use of our Software solution

Through the use of our Softwaresolution

Due to the manual calculation Your carbon footprint

These are the Components of the label

natureOffice Label klimaneutral

List of categories from the product life cycle that were taken into account when calculating the Footprint.


Information on the calculated amount of CO2e per product, packaging or printed product.

URL with tracking number that can be used to call up the appropriate tracking for the carbon footprint.

QR code that links directly to the carbon footprint reporting.

Confirmation that your emissions have been offset by a climate protection project.

This label makes it clear what the label refers to. Whether to the product, the packaging or a printed product.

QR code that links directly to the carbon footprint reporting.

Indication of whether the emissions were offset by a climate protection project in addition to the accounting. In combination with the natureOffice trademark.

URL with tracking number that can be used to call up the appropriate tracking for the carbon footprint.

natureOffice Label klimaneutral Phone

Auflistung der Kategorien aus dem Produktlebenszyklus, die bei der Berechnung des Footprints berücksichtigt wurden.


Angabe zur berechneten Menge CO2e pro Produkt bzw. Verpackung oder Druckerzeugnis.


URL mit Trackingnummer, mit der das passende Tracking zum Carbon Footprint aufgerufen werden kann.


QR-Code, der direkt zum Reporting der Klimabilanz verlinkt.


Bestätigung, dass Ihre Emissionen durch ein Klimaschutzprojekt ausgegelichen wurden.


Diese Auszeichnung macht deutlich, worauf sich das Label bezieht. Ob auf das Produkt, die Verpackung oder ein Druckerzeugnis.


QR-Code, der direkt zum Reporting der Klimabilanz verlinkt.


Hinweis, ob die Emissionen zusätzlich zur Bilanzierung auch durch ein Klimaschutzprojekt kompensiert wurden. In Kombination mit dem natureOffice-Markenzeichen.


URL mit Trackingnummer, mit der das passende Tracking zum Carbon Footprint aufgerufen werden kann.


Structure of the standard label

(1) URL with tracking number, which can be used to call up the appropriate tracking for the carbon footprint.

(2) List of the categories from the product life cycle that were taken into account when calculating the footprint.

(3) QR code that links directly to the carbon footprint reporting.

(4) Information on the calculated amount of CO2e per product or packaging or printed product.

(5) Confirmation that your emissions have been offset by a climate protection project.
Structure of the compact label

(1) This label makes it clear what the label refers to. Whether to the product, the packaging or a printed product.

(2) Indicates whether the emissions have been offset by a climate protection project in addition to the carbon footprint. In combination with the natureOffice trademark.

(3) QR code that links directly to the carbon footprint reporting.

(4) URL with tracking number that can be used to call up the appropriate tracking for the carbon footprint.

he standard label is available in different variants

natureOffice Label Formvarianten englisch
natureOffice Formvarianten englisch Phone
Horizontal variant

There are two different versions of the horizontal variant of the standard label. If the emissions generated during the manufacture of the product have been offset, we label the label with the addition "CO2e emissions offset". If the emissions have not been offset, this addition is not included.
Variant in block arrangement

For applications where horizontal space is limited, there is the standard label in block arrangement. Like the horizontal variant, this is available in two versions: one for the pure balance of emissions and one with the corresponding addition if these emissions have been offset by a climate protection project.

Also for the compact label different variants available

natureOffice Formvarianten Kompaktlabel englisch
natureOffice Formvarianten Kompaktlabel engisch phone
Variants for

balancing The compact label is available in a horizontal and a vertical version for flexible use. The label contains the reference to balancing in the circular text around the natureOffice trademark.
Variants for additional offsetting

If, in addition to balancing, emissions are also offset, this is also noted in the text around the natureOffice trademark. This variant is also available in a horizontal and vertical version.

All variants are available in German and English

PCF Label Varianten Sprachen englisch
PCF Varianten Sprachen englisch Phone

All variants are also available in different colors

PCF Farbvarianten englisch
PCF Farbvarianten englisch phone
Colour variations for different areas of application

To ensure that the natureOffice label is shown to its best advantage on all surfaces and is easy to read, there are colour-matched variants that must be used in the different areas of application. All variants and versions of the label are available in the corresponding colour variations.
For our partners
We offer the special partner label for print shops and removal companies that offer to balance and offset the emissions of their services in cooperation with natureOffice.
The labels are designed for these applications

Use our partner label specifically for your marketing. With this label, you can draw your customers' attention to the fact that you calculate the carbon footprint of your services and offset it on request. By using our partner label, you clearly demonstrate that sustainability and climate protection are an integral part of your corporate philosophy. Not only can you emphasise your environmentally conscious efforts, but you can also strengthen the trust of your customers by offering them a transparent and climate-conscious choice.

The label is available for Print shops and removal companies

Partnerlabel Formvarinaten englisch
Partnerlabel Formvarianten englisch phone
Variants for print shops

To communicate to their customers that the emissions from their services can be balanced and offset, print shops can use this label, which is available in a horizontal and a block arrangement.
Variants for removal companies

natureOffice also provides a partner label for the communication of removal companies that offer to balance and offset the emissions of their services. This is also available in a horizontal and a block arrangement.

All variants are available in German and English

Partnerlabel Sprachen englisch

All variants are also available in different colors

Colour variants for different areas of application

To ensure that the partner label is shown to its best advantage on all surfaces and is easy to read, there are colour-matched variants that must be used in the different areas of application. All variants and versions of the label are available in the corresponding colour variations.

Learn how to use our labels correctly

If you have already received your natureOffice labels and are wondering which specifications regarding sizes, spacing and colours need to be observed, you will find everything you need to know on this page.
Tracking & Reporting
In addition to the transparent label, greenhouse gas emissions accounting also includes meaningful reporting. Here you can find out how this can be accessed via the label.
Reporting also contributes to the transparent communication of your commitment. For product carbon footprints, for example, which are created according to the GHG protocol, publication of the reporting is a fixed component and even mandatory.

Significantly more information on the carbon footprint and the selected system limits can be called up via ID tracking, thus supplementing the selected natureOffice label. These three different options are available for calling up the reporting:
Option 1: Enter the entire URL in a browser.
Option 2: Call up the tracking ID on
Option 3: Scan the QR code with your smartphone.

Discover our other services too

Take a look and discover how we make CO2 balancing, CO2 offsetting and voluntary climate protection commitment very easy!

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Steubenhof 1
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Tracking-ID abrufen

Hier können Sie anhand einer natureOffice-Tracking-ID die Details eines Carbon Footprints abrufen. Geben Sie dazu einfach die natureOffice-Tracking-ID ein:

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Tracking-ID retrieve

Here you can call up the details of a carbon footprint using a natureOffice tracking ID. Simply enter the natureOffice tracking ID:

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