
In a world facing the challenges of climate change, the carbon footprint is of central importance for companies. Our focus is on effective climate management and effective sustainability management. We help you to analyze and reduce your emissions and shape your economic future in a sustainable way.
The key to action lies in understanding corporate greenhouse gas emissions. For more than 15 years, we have been actively supporting companies to put sustainability goals into practice. Our mission: to anchor sustainability as an essential value in every corporate culture. Together we set standards and protect the future of our planet.
For over 15 years, we have been supporting companies in their sustainability strategy with sound advice and innovative software solutions. We create detailed carbon footprints in accordance with international standards and identify suitable carbon offset projects to offset your CO2 emissions. Our market-leading software solutions set standards and facilitate the implementation of your climate protection strategies. Our customers particularly value the comprehensive expertise of our employees and our honest, transparent advice. Join us in the fight against climate change: we live our conviction of climate protection and social commitment in emerging countries with our own carbon offset projects.
since 2008
active in CO2 management
1000 +
Customers worldwide
60 +
Employees worldwide
Our services
We offer comprehensive solutions that help you to achieve your climate targets efficiently and transparently.
Create climate balances
We prepare precise carbon footprints in accordance with international standards and find suitable carbon offset projects to effectively offset your CO2 emissions.
Software solutions
Our leading software solutions set new standards and support you in the successful implementation of your climate protection strategies
Consulting & Training
Our customers value the in-depth expertise of our employees, our transparent advice and our training courses on carbon accounting, climate communication and sustainability reporting.
Our references show how we successfully support companies in achieving their sustainability goals.

Our services for your sustainability management

From measuring your CO2 emissions and data management to the final sustainability report and training your employees: we support you all the way or at individual stages. Start now and shape the future of your company in an environmentally conscious and responsible way!

We have the key to sustainable development for you

Regardless of whether you use our software solution or our experts balance your emissions - after the calculation and optional offsetting, honest and transparent communication of the results to your stakeholders is crucial.
Why natureOffice
At natureOffice, the focus is on your company. With tailor-made solutions and transparent advice, we support you on your path to greater sustainability. Put your trust in our many years of expertise and benefit from our comprehensive service. Together we implement successful climate strategies.
Every company is unique, which is why we take the time to get to know your company and your processes in detail. In a kick-off meeting, we work together to develop the basis for your individual carbon footprint, which is tailored precisely to your requirements. Transparency is our top priority. With our natureOffice reporting system, we ensure that no questions remain unanswered. We advise you clearly, comprehensibly and personally so that you are completely satisfied.

Numerous companies have been relying on the expertise of natureOffice for over 15 years. You too can join our success story and benefit from our extensive know-how. Our comprehensive service ranges from process analysis and life cycle studies to data preparation, final presentations and support for your climate communication. We are at your side at every stage.

We tackle climate change together as equals. Our experienced consultants will work with you as partners on all sustainability issues. Let's achieve sustainable success together.
We have been working successfully with natureOffice in the areas of CO2 footprint and CO2 offsetting since 2020. We were particularly impressed by the motivation of the natureOffice team to adapt to our production processes.
Tobias Dickmann, Product Manager
When we introduced CO2 offsetting for our print products in 2011, the natureOffice team was at our side from the very first minute, supported us perfectly and has been a reliable partner ever since. In a nutshell: uncomplicated and competent!
Alexander Haßinger, Managing Director
O.D.D Print & Medien
The cooperation with natureOffice is extremely professional. We appreciate the individual service, the distinctive expertise and the customer focus.
Alexander Helm, Managing Director
Scholz Promotion Service GmbH
You can do more than just offset greenhouse gases. Our projects create added value and deliver stories that life writes.
Pictures say more than words

Get started now

Interested in our services? Contact us today for your questions or support. We look forward to hearing from you.

natureOffice on social media:

Call us.
+49 69 - 173 20 20 0
Available by phone:
Weekdays from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Write an email.
Our team typically responds
within 48 hours.
Reach us by mail
Mailing address
natureOffice GmbH
Steubenhof 1
65207 Wiesbaden
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Tracking-ID abrufen

Hier können Sie anhand einer natureOffice-Tracking-ID die Details eines Carbon Footprints abrufen. Geben Sie dazu einfach die natureOffice-Tracking-ID ein:

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Tracking-ID retrieve

Here you can call up the details of a carbon footprint using a natureOffice tracking ID. Simply enter the natureOffice tracking ID:

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