
Accurately calculated emissions from packaging and printed products and transparent communication for you and your customers.
Since 2007, we have been a reliable partner to the printing industry when it comes to determining and reducing the CO2 footprint. Our ecozoom software enables you to easily and transparently determine the CO2 emissions of your print shop, your printing processes and your print products as well as communication via a new, much more comprehensive reporting tool.
Measure, optimize and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions

Accurately track, analyze and report your carbon footprint and that of your printed products. This comprehensive approach enables you to collect, understand and transparently communicate accurate data about your emissions. By optimizing your production processes, you can not only reduce your environmental footprint, but also save money. You can do this by using resources more efficiently and reducing consumption. Identify the sources of your emissions and take specific action to reduce them sustainably.

Carbon offsetting in just a few clicks

You can offset your unavoidable CO2 emissions with direct carbon offsetting. This is done by supporting trusted carbon offset projects that combat climate change and promote sustainable development. With a proven tracking system, you can transparently communicate your commitment to climate protection. This shows your customers and business partners that you are actively taking responsibility for your environmental impact and taking concrete steps to improve it.
Visionary sustainability reporting with ecozoom
In an environmentally conscious world, customers expect print shops to make real efforts instead of empty promises. By incorporating activity data and CO2 values per print product, the ecozoom label introduces a new standard that makes it possible to make offsetting and reduction successes transparent and thus make a credible contribution to climate protection.


to your personal climate balance sheet


to your personal climate balance sheet

Activity data

Presentation of the activity data used in the calculation

Carbon Footprint

Identification of your individual product carbon footprint

CO2 compensation

Confirmation that your emissions have been offset by a climate protection project.

Get started right away
Intuitive product carbon footprint calculation with customized templates and automatic completion of missing data.
One common database
Connection to our emissions database ensures data accuracy.
Improve data quality
By incrementally adding to your data, you are continually improving the quality of your carbon footprint.
Discover new potential
You can identify reduction opportunities by modeling and simulating alternative scenarios.
Communicating with Collective IDs
Create collections of activities under a collective ID to simplify communication of your customers' climate action commitments.
Import & Export Made Easy
Integrate your business issues by seamlessly importing and exporting your data.
In a changing world, environmental responsibility is becoming increasingly important. More than ever, customers expect printers to be actively engaged in sustainability.
With legislation such as the forthcoming CSR Directive, companies are increasingly being asked to use reporting standards and rankings such as CDP or GRI to communicate their emissions transparently. See these changes as an opportunity to make your print shop more competitive. Help your customers comply with new regulations and reporting standards by knowing and communicating your carbon footprint and the carbon footprint of your printing processes. Since 2007, we have been a reliable partner to the printing industry when it comes to measuring and reducing carbon footprints. With our ecozoom software, you can easily and transparently determine the CO2 emissions of your print shop, your printing processes and your print products, and communicate them with a new, much more comprehensive reporting tool.

Contact & offer:

  • We will be happy to advise you on the right software solution in a personal meeting.

Receive offer

  • After the consultation, we will prepare a personalised offer for you.

Set up account

  • We will set up your account after accepting your offer.

Start carbon footprint

  • Everything ready to go? Start your calculation immediately.
Communicate your carbon footprint transparently and efficiently to all your stakeholders with digital reporting, a smart dashboard, clear key factsheets, and a customized tracking process.

Transparent tracking

You and your customers can easily access the digital report via the link or QR code in the ecozoom label. Make your emissions public and practice transparent climate communication.

Calculated emissions of your print product.

Note on offsetting CO₂ emissions.

Information on the climate protection project with which the emissions were offset.

Company and product information

Distribution of the total emissions for a product over the entire product life cycle

Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a product (PCF per functional unit)

Functional unit (PU) of the balanced product

Pre-defined system boundaries (based on the product life cycle)

Clear key factsheet

The Key Factsheet gives you, your customers and partners a quick overview of the key details of your carbon footprint.

Credible certificate

The certificate confirms that your CO2 emissions have been offset by a climate protection project. You can also refer to your digital reporting in the certificate using a QR code.

Name of the print product

Name of the company

QR code and ID for tracking

System limits that were taken into account in the calculation

Calculated CO₂ emissions and reference to offsetting.

See for yourself in our online demos.
  • *Mandatory fields
    Your data will only be stored for the purpose of contacting you and answering your enquiry and in the event that follow-up questions arise.
Focus on transparency and show your commitment to climate protection: don't hide your CO2 emissions and their impact on the climate, talk about them!
Let your customers know that CO2 emissions are a normal part of the process. In fact, there is no such thing as a completely carbon neutral production, neither for you nor for other companies. The decisive step towards improvement is to know exactly what your CO2 emissions are so that you can take targeted measures to reduce them. ecozoom's digital reporting allows you to organize your climate communication in a clear and comprehensible way. Use tools like the key factsheet, the label and the reporting. If your customers choose to offset their CO2 emissions, we also provide comprehensive tracking and a certificate of verification.
Discover our intuitive software solutions to easily create your own carbon footprint. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss which solution best meets your goals. Work with us to find the right software for your needs.

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Tracking-ID abrufen

Hier können Sie anhand einer natureOffice-Tracking-ID die Details eines Carbon Footprints abrufen. Geben Sie dazu einfach die natureOffice-Tracking-ID ein:

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Tracking-ID retrieve

Here you can call up the details of a carbon footprint using a natureOffice tracking ID. Simply enter the natureOffice tracking ID:

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