Ecovadis Consulting & Support

With EcoVadis assessments you set new standards in sustainability management. We help you complete the questionnaire and promote sustainable management.
What is EcoVadis?
EcoVadis helps companies to make their supply chains more sustainable and comply with internationally recognized standards. This increases transparency throughout the supply chain. This helps to continuously improve sustainability performance.
As a leading provider of sustainability ratings, EcoVadis enables companies to comprehensively assess their suppliers in terms of environmental, social, ethical and sustainable procurement. EcoVadis aims to promote transparency and improve corporate sustainability performance in line with global standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000. By applying these established standards, EcoVadis enables companies to compare and continuously improve their sustainability performance on a consistent basis.
We support your company with individual consulting, detailed analysis and CO2e balancing to optimize your EcoVadis rating. Together we will improve your sustainability performance.
Business benefits
EcoVadis offers many benefits, including
Improved Sustainability Practices
With EcoVadis' assessments and recommendations, companies can effectively evaluate and optimize their sustainability practices to meet current standards and best practices.
Risk Reduction
EcoVadis helps companies to identify and manage potential environmental, social and ethical risks in their supply chains, thereby contributing significantly to strengthening the company's reputation.
Competitive Advantage
A strong EcoVadis rating enables companies to differentiate themselves from the competition and gain the trust of customers, investors and other stakeholders who value sustainability and social responsibility.
Access to business opportunities
A high EcoVadis rating can open up new business opportunities, as more and more companies are focusing on sustainability in their supply chain.
Strengthening supplier relationships
EcoVadis enables companies to share sustainability goals with their suppliers, strengthening collaboration and paving the way for long-term partnerships.
Supply chain transparency:
Supplier assessments are becoming increasingly important due to the German Supply Chain Act and the upcoming EU Green Claims Directive. Companies use EcoVadis assessments to meet their due diligence obligations and improve their sustainability performance. This strengthens business relationships and facilitates new partnerships.
The German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) has significantly increased the importance of supplier assessments, as companies are legally obligated to fulfill human rights and environmental due diligence obligations along their entire supply chain. In this context, more and more companies are encouraging their suppliers to participate in EcoVadis assessments. These assessments are an important tool to demonstrate compliance with required standards and to ensure that all links in the supply chain comply with legal requirements. Participation in EcoVadis assessments plays a crucial role in maintaining existing business relationships and forging new partnerships.
It enables companies to assess the sustainability performance of their suppliers and ensure that it is in line with their own sustainability goals and regulatory requirements. In addition, such assessments provide a valuable opportunity to continuously review and improve their own sustainability performance. The transparent and verifiable presentation of sustainability performance is becoming increasingly important, especially in light of the upcoming EU Green Claims Directive in 2024. Companies that rely on comprehensive supplier assessments early on will be better positioned to meet future requirements and strengthen their market position.

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