TCFD reporting

The FSB's TCFD standard facilitates climate-related financial reporting. We understand the benefits and challenges, help you implement, and guide you through the process.
Analysis of climate-related risks and opportunities
The TCFD framework, adopted after COP21, supports the integration of climate-related risks and opportunities into financial decisions.
Launched after COP21 in 2015, the TCFD framework aims to improve the consideration of climate-related issues in the financial sector. It promotes transparency on climate-related scenarios and highlights the materiality of climate change for companies. The TCFD recommendations complement existing disclosure standards and provide guidance for integrated reporting. This reporting encourages companies to clearly disclose climate-related risks and opportunities. This provides investors, lenders and insurers with valuable insights that help them make informed decisions and minimize the financial risk associated with climate change. By following the TCFD's recommendations, companies can increase their resilience to climate change while strengthening their transparency and accountability to stakeholders.

Not just sustainable, but fit for the future.

Discover how the TCFD framework can improve your climate-related reporting. Get in touch with us and find out how we can support you along the way.

Corporate action required
TCFD reporting not only provides a clearer picture of climate-related financial risks and opportunities, but also improves investor confidence and strengthens your brand in the marketplace.
In the UK, companies are already required to comply with the TCFD standard. The EU also attaches great importance to reporting on climate-related risks and opportunities as part of its CSR reporting requirements. The Alliance of GRI, CDSB and CDP supports the TCFD standard and makes risk and opportunity analysis an important part of its own guidelines. This helps to improve the quality of reporting.
Companies subject to the CSRD must prepare sustainability reports in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS include requirements for environmental targets, social aspects and governance. A key objective dealing with climate change mitigation and adaptation (ESRS E1) follows the recommendations of the TCFD, particularly in the assessment of financial climate risks and opportunities.
TCFD reporting
The TCFD recommends disclosure in four key areas:
How the company is managing climate-related risks and opportunities
Impact on business strategy and financial planning.
Risk management
Methods for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks.
KPIs & targets
Key performance indicators and targets for evaluation and management.

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