Climate impact adaptation

PROJECT TOGO is responding to Togo's climate challenges with syntropic agroforestry - a model for high-yield and ecosystem-friendly agriculture.
Africa's climate dilemma
The aim of climate impact adaptation is to come to terms with the consequences of climate change that have already occurred or will occur in the future and to minimise the damage as far as possible.
Africa's 1.3 billion inhabitants contribute only four per cent to global greenhouse gas emissions, while Europe, with almost half the population, contributes more than twice as much. Nevertheless, the African continent feels the consequences of climate change disproportionately strongly. According to WMO reports, Africa has experienced an above-average annual temperature increase of 0.3 degrees Celsius, which has led to a drastic increase in natural disasters. Over 110 million people were exposed to extreme weather events in 2022 alone, and sea level rise along certain coastal regions exceeds the global average, emphasising the urgency of adaptation measures.

There is no question: we have an obligation to support the countries that bear the consequences of our way of life - especially our greenhouse gas emissions. These nations must not make the same mistakes we have made. At the same time, they have a right to sustainable growth and for us to help them both with our knowledge and financially to deal with the effects of climate change and to develop further.
Sowing resilience:
Climate adaptation is crucial for the future of agriculture in Africa. While we cannot reverse climate change, we can adapt our response and adopt sustainable practices.
Climate change is a reality in Togo:
Unstable weather conditions with extreme rainfall and hot spells are leading to noticeable changes in agriculture. Togo's farming families have to face the challenges that these new climatic conditions pose to their farming methods and food security. PROJECT TOGO is responding by using syntropic agroforestry - a method that helps farmers adapt to the climatic challenges and improve food production.

Forecasts for Togo:
Climate forecasts for Togo show significant declines in cereal harvests - up to 15% crop losses by 2059 compared to the late 1980s. These changes could be particularly severe for staple foods such as maize and millet.
Shaping a sustainable future:
We are working to transform agriculture through targeted training and workshops. Climate-smart agricultural practices are key to securing Togo's food supply and building a resilient future for generations to come.

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Syntropic agroforestry
"Syntropic agroforestry" is in no way inferior to conventional agriculture in terms of yield, but at the same time offers maximum biodiversity and benefits not only for humans, but for the entire ecosystem.
Syntropic agriculture is orientated towards the natural succession of pioneer, secondary and climatic plants on fallow land. The system should ultimately be self-sufficient, store water better and be more resistant to weather changes. The concept was popularised by the Swiss farmer Ernst Götsch, who converted degraded land in Brazil into a rainforest. Syntropy stands in contrast to entropy, as it is characterised by living processes that lead to a gain in energy.

Agroforestry systems, inspired by natural tropical forests, combine trees and shrubs with arable crops, which is what makes them sustainable. These systems store rainwater, promote nutrient cycling and trees sequester larger amounts of CO2. The method is more resistant to disease due to biodiversity, as many different plants are grown together. The more diverse the area is planted, the more the agroforestry system resembles a species-rich, natural forest.

Download our brochure

Would you like to find out more about Syntropic Agroforestry? Download our brochure here and delve deeper into the topic.
Work on site

Agroforestry systems do not arise by themselves

Knowledge about climate-adapted agriculture is lacking in Togo and needs to be promoted. However, farmers and families lack the time and money to acquire the necessary skills. The syntropic agroforestry project is to be continuously expanded in order to give the eco-cent Togo association autonomy in the medium and long term and to generate jobs in the region. Our work in detail is as follows:

Construction of a test area

which can be used for presentation and training purposes

Establishment of tree nurseries

in which the seedlings are raised and cared for

Construction of an education centre

to offer workshops for the local population in the future

Realisation of workshops

syntropic agroforestry, but also for the further processing and marketing of the products

Publicising the concept

of syntropic agroforestry at regional and national level

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