Company forest & planting trees

Your commitment counts - shape the future with us through sustainable tree plantations and company forests in West Africa!
Project Togo
Demonstrate to your customers and your team how seriously you take protecting our planet. Get your company involved in climate protection - beyond carbon offsetting. Actively involve customers and employees and visualise your commitment with authentic images and videos from our projects or your initiatives. PROJECT TOGO makes it easy to get involved: We offer everything from tree donations to the establishment of your company forest.
Our planting areas - detached from natural forest afforestationPROJECT TOGO has been contributing to carbon sequestration through the afforestation of natural forests since 2012: We have since planted around 3 million native trees on 1,000 hectares. By using self-collected seeds, growing seedlings in our own tree nurseries and planting during the two rainy seasons, we ensure natural irrigation and make the young plants fit for the dry season.

In addition to reforestation, we increase biodiversity and provide more natural shade by planting trees along the edges of villages and connecting paths between the villages of Fokpo, Abouzokope and Kotokpé. In partnership with the village communities that own the land, these projects ensure the long-term preservation and growth of the trees over many years, thereby increasing biodiversity and promoting a connection with nature.
Sustainable commitment for companies: Your contribution in Togo
Company forest

For companies that want to make an active and lasting contribution to climate protection beyond offsetting CO2 emissions.

Our offer of a company forest in Togo stands as a strong social and environmental statement by companies. It embodies an understanding of and support for biodiversity and species diversity. The company forest in Togo creates and promotes long-term employment, improves the local microclimate, the water balance and contributes to oxygen production. In addition to upgrading wasteland and strengthening natural forests, it raises awareness of the importance of forests and sensitises local people. Your company forest in Togo can become a reality from as little as 1,000 trees

. What you receive from us: Deductible donation receipt, planting certificate, image & text material on your company forest in Togo (to start with and then an update every 2 years)
Tree donation

With your customer, Christmas or donation campaign, we set a green example in your name and plant trees in Togo, West Africa

Our specially put together tree planting packages, each consisting of 10 native and local trees, revitalise fallow land - an approach that is similar to our company forest project. The plantations around the villages not only promote additional sources of income and nutritional opportunities, such as through fruit trees. They also provide shade at meeting places and along the roads, where they contribute to the creation of lively avenues. This community reforestation initiative with the local population aims to increase the tree population in and around the villages, on their edges and along the connecting roads, thus strengthening the connection between the communities and their environment.

What you will receive from us: Donation receipt & planting certificate

Many of our customers have already committed themselves ...

CO2 binding:
The trees in natural forests absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2), which helps to reduce the greenhouse effect and climate change.
Natural forests provide a habitat for a large number of animal and plant species and promote biodiversity.
Water regulation:
Forests play a crucial role in regulating the water balance by helping to prevent flooding and improve water quality.
Soil protection:
The roots of the trees protect the soil from erosion, which preserves fertility.
Air quality:
Forests produce oxygen, which is vital for humans and animals, and at the same time filter pollutants from the air.
Protection against natural disasters:
Forests can help to prevent or mitigate natural disasters such as landslides and forest fires.
Recreation and tourism:
Natural forests are popular places for recreation and tourism, which can bring economic benefits to the regions.
Cultural significance:
Forests often have a cultural and spiritual significance for indigenous peoples and local communities.
Sustainable use of resources:
Sustainable forest management enables the use of wood and other resources without jeopardising the long-term health of the forest.

Supporting German environmental projects - our solution!

Our "Kombiprojekte Deutschland Plus" projects give companies the opportunity to actively shape their regional responsibility. These innovative projects combine climate protection certification with the promotion of local forest ecology projects. The certificate you receive stands for greenhouse gas sequestration or reduction, while part of your investment specifically supports regional forestry offices.

News from our favourite project

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