US election result: consequences for global climate protection

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As the world's second largest CO₂ emitter, the USA plays a crucial role in global climate protection. The decision on who sits in the White House has a huge impact on international climate policy and could have a significant influence on progress in the fight against climate change.

Trump: a brake on climate protection?

If Donald Trump wins, it is to be expected that US climate policy will once again turn away from global commitments. During his first term in office, Trump sent clear signals against climate protection: he stopped measures to reduce emissions, relied on fossil fuels such as oil and coal and even temporarily withdrew the USA from the Paris Climate Agreement (ZDF).

Another Trump election victory could put the brakes on international climate efforts, as many countries are reliant on strong US leadership. Developing countries in particular need financial support for climate protection, and a US withdrawal would weaken the momentum in international negotiations. While individual states and companies in the US are taking action on their own and focusing on clean energy, without national support the potential for widespread change remains limited.

Harris: A climate policy with a strong social component

In contrast, a Kamala Harris presidency could take US climate action to a new level. Harris has been actively campaigning for climate protection and environmental justice for years and emphasizes that disadvantaged population groups are particularly affected by climate change (Wikipedia). As Vice President, she supported the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate protection package in US history. This legislative package promotes investments in renewable energies and measures to reduce emissions and could be expanded even further under her leadership.

Interestingly, Harris takes a moderate position on fracking in order to appeal to voters in energy-intensive regions such as Pennsylvania (Le Monde). Even if she does not seek a ban, her presidency as a whole would send a clear signal in favor of ambitious climate policy and a strong commitment to international cooperation on climate change.

Study results: Impact of voting type on emissions levels

On behalf of Polyas, we conducted a study that shows how the type of voting process affects emissions. The results suggest that online elections could make a significant contribution to reducing emissions compared to traditional, physical elections. This is an exciting starting point for reducing emissions in the political context and developing sustainable solutions for democratic processes.

Conclusion: The USA as climate motivation - or obstacle?

The election result in the USA will therefore influence not only national but also global climate action. While Trump's election victory could probably lead to a slowdown, a Kamala Harris presidency could strengthen climate protection and provide positive impetus. Regardless of the outcome, the hope remains that regional players and companies will continue to pursue their own ambitious climate targets and that the USA, with or without federal support, will make its contribution to solving the climate crisis.

CO₂-Lösungen für Unternehmen

natureOffice bietet Unternehmen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zur Reduzierung ihrer CO₂-Bilanz und unterstützt sie bei der Entwicklung von Strategien zur Anpassung an die Risiken des Klimawandels.

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