PROJECT TOGO : Clean water for Aboudjokopé

  • TogoNews

A lot has changed in the small village of Aboudjokopé in Togo in recent weeks. A new well has been flowing there since September, supplying the village with clean water. What began as a vision has been successfully realized thanks to the commitment of the villagers and our team. Work began back in March and has now been completed a few months later with a big celebration - in the traditional Togolese way.

What we take for granted every day, namely clear water from a tap, was unthinkable for the people of Aboudjokopé. In the past, it was normal for the inhabitants to have to travel long distances to fetch water. This water was often cloudy and anything but clean, but it was the only option. With the new well, the village now has access to clean, fresh water, which makes daily life much easier.

The inauguration of the well was traditionally celebrated with a big village festival. With the sound of drums and singing, the villagers gathered for a celebration to mark the inauguration of the well in the traditional way. However, in addition to the celebrations, the transfer of knowledge was also an important part of the project. For many in Aboudjokopé, the idea of drinking clean and clear water is still unfamiliar. Previously, the water from the old water points was considered sufficient, even though it posed health risks. Training sessions lasting several days explained how clean water from the well not only saves time, but also prevents illness.

Brunneneinweihung PROJECT TOGO
Brunnenbau und Einweihung Project Togo
Brunnebau und Einweihung im Project Togo

One crucial point is the long-term maintenance of the well. A water committee was set up to ensure that it remains available to the villagers for many years to come. This committee, consisting of members of the village community, will take care of the maintenance of the well. This is financed by a small user fee that is charged for the well water. The challenge is to convince the villagers that this investment in their own health and future is invaluable, and a government official who looks after the well systems in the region will accompany the village and the water committee in particular for another year.

The local well builder has agreed to regularly check the condition of the well to ensure its sustainable use. For the villagers, this means additional security that their new source of life will remain reliable in the future.

A further idea for the coming years is to scientifically prove the positive effects of the clean water. The plan is to document the change in health in the village through tests and thus show the direct link between clean water and better health. The results can help us to show the village the importance of consuming clean drinking water.

The Aboudjokopé well is more than just a technical solution - it is a symbol of community change, progress and health. Clean water may seem simple, but for the people of Aboudjokopé it means a tangible improvement in their quality of life and a promise of a healthier future.

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