Natural forest afforestation

Since 2012, PROJECT TOGO has been committed to the future of our planet: 3 million native trees planted on 1,000 acres in Togo are sequestering CO2 and supporting local communities.
"Afforestation is a key to advancing 12 of the 17 SDGs, it is an approach to combat desertification, creates a reliable renewable resource base and removes CO2 from the atmosphere. Reforestation on degraded land near rainforests opens up the potential for adding value to a renewable resource and protects primary rainforests from drying out. Many jobs and incomes can be created here, so that the climate situation improves rather than worsens.
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Franz Rademacher
Chairman of the German Environmental Foundation
Project Togo
PROJECT TOGO stands for the binding of CO2 through the reforestation of natural forests.
Since 2012, we have planted approximately 3 million native trees on 1,000 hectares. We use seeds we collect ourselves, grow the seedlings in our own nurseries and fertilize them with organic fertilizers. Planting takes place at the beginning of the rainy season. This means that subsequent irrigation of the seedlings is not necessary, as the plants and soil absorb the water they need to survive the subsequent dry season.

Fair and sustainable cooperation
The project was certified by the Gold Standard Foundation in 2014 and 2017/18 and is located in the Agou region of Togo. The project supports eight villages with approximately 6,000 inhabitants living in the vicinity of the project. The villagers find permanent employment in the tree nurseries, in the forest (e.g. maintaining firebreaks) and at the fire station. Wages are fair and have been agreed in cooperation with the villagers and the Village Development Committees. Workers receive regular health and safety training and work clothes are provided. Local doctors from Kpalimé organize regular first aid courses.
Why are we planting trees in West Africa?

600,000 square kilometres of rainforest once stretched between Senegal in the west and Togo in the east. But decades of overexploitation have left only remnants in West Africa today. Since the 1960s, trees and entire forests have been regarded merely as fuel. Togo, for example, has lost more than half of its forest area since 1990, leaving less than 6 per cent of the country forested. As a result, more and more villages and neighbouring roads are suffering from bare, parched soils. The solution lies in reforestation, as forests play a crucial role. They promote biodiversity, produce oxygen, regulate the water balance and act as dust filters. It is therefore of great importance to be particularly committed to reforestation in West Africa. Developing countries in arid climate zones are particularly at risk from the effects of climate change due to their global distribution.
CO2 binding:
The trees in natural forests absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2), which helps to reduce the greenhouse effect and climate change.
Natural forests provide a habitat for a wide range of plant and animal species and promote biodiversity.
Water regulation:
Forests play an important role in water regulation, helping to prevent flooding and improve water quality.
Soil protection:
The roots of the trees protect the soil from erosion and maintain its fertility.
Air quality:
Forests produce oxygen, which is vital for humans and animals, and filter pollutants from the air.
Protection from natural disasters:
Forests can help prevent or mitigate natural disasters such as landslides and forest fires.
Recreation and tourism:
Natural forests are popular places for recreation and tourism, which can bring economic benefits to regions.
Cultural significance:
Forests often have a cultural and spiritual significance for indigenous peoples and local communities.
Sustainable use of resources:
Sustainable forest management enables the use of wood and other resources without jeopardising the long-term health of the forest.


  • Initial ideas for PROJECT TOGO.

2011 - 2012

  • Project preparation


  • Afforestation of first partial areas in Fokpo


  • First area certification in the Gold Standard by TÜV Süd

2015 - 2016

  • Reforestation of second sub-area in Abouzokope


  • Second Gold Standard certification by the GFA, Hamburg


  • Interim report on land development by forstresolution, Augsburg


  • Development of an area management system (Forst University Rottenburg)
  • Tree inventory


  • Forest inventory postponed to 2021 due to pandemic
  • Verification of natural forest afforestation postponed to 2021 due to pandemic


  • Forest inventory
  • Verification of natural forest afforestation
Register number
GS 3951
Project type
Reforestation of fallow land into natural forest
Project start
June 2010
Project duration
30 years
Ongoing project evaluation and documentation online and on request
Project standard
until July 2018 Gold Standard as Verified Emission Reduction (VER) from August further areas based on the Gold Standard and CCBS in preparation
Project status
certified, Report No. 600500930 / TG-PTX (2014 TÜV Süd, 20180 GFA Hamburg)
Global Goals (Sdgs)
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 12 - 13 - 15 - 16
Integrated location consolidation with economic empowerment, education and training, health-, energy- and water infrastructure
Project area
1,000 HA + from 2918 further areas in preparation
Total savings
450,000 tonnes of CO2 over the term of 30 years
Transparency is the top priority for us and PROJECT TOGO. Until 2018, we had the project certified by the Gold Standard. However, due to rising certification costs and changes that have also had a retroactive effect on existing projects, we have withdrawn from the Gold Standard. We can invest the funds saved in the expansion of the project and social initiatives.

The project is audited and certified every five years by means of tree inventories and area reports. Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) are carried out in accordance with the CarbonFix guidelines and are performed by independent external auditors. Available and retired CO2 certificates are stored and can be viewed in a publicly accessible database.
Worth knowing

In contrast to most climate protection projects, where the income from CO2 certificates usually only improves the project's return on investment, PROJECT TOGO is financed 100% from the income from the sale of CO2 certificates. This is because the project has no additional income, e.g. from the use of wood (natural forest).
Due to the constantly increasing certification costs, we have decided to withdraw from the Gold Standard because, firstly, we can invest the money saved in this way more efficiently in the expansion of the project and in social projects and, secondly, the surveys and reactions of customers have shown that certification according to the Gold Standard is not appropriate.
We are convinced that the Gold Standard cannot be used as a quality criterion, as it is often limited to the fulfillment of a minimum when assessing the criteria. Only a direct examination of the individual implementation helps to identify high-quality projects.
However, we will continue to have PROJECT TOGO audited by external experts and preferably work together with technical colleges and universities in order to promote and support the basic idea of know-how, i.e. the transfer of knowledge to emerging countries.
Existing and expiring CO2 certificates are stored in a publicly accessible database and can be viewed.

The retroactive application of new Gold Standard rules to the Togo Natural Forest Project, which is 100% dependent on carbon credits, has rendered the certification useless. The business plan submitted for certification in 2012 was part of the certification. As the changes in the Gold Standard also have a retroactive effect on the business plan, we consider the Gold Standard's approach to be inadmissible and contrary to its own rules.
It is incomprehensible to us that the Gold Standard has not yet been able to approve auditors and assessors directly from this continent for climate protection projects in Africa in order to avoid the high certification costs and the many flights (Europe - Africa).
Whether fair trade or SDG certification - projects with a particular commitment (especially in the social area) recently had to undergo additional procedures under the Gold Standard, which were associated with considerable additional costs in order to prove their added value. This inevitably raises the question of why the Gold Standard promotes value creation in Switzerland and not in developing countries.

The CO2 certificates generated by natural forest afforestation are decommissioned in the natureOffice database CLIMATE BASE.

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