A very special guest: Namati from Togo visits us in Germany

  • TogoNews

We are overjoyed to have a real guest of the heart with us this month: Namati, our longtime forester from PROJECT TOGO! Since the beginnings of our natural forest project in Togo, Namati has been working with the ecocent togo team to ensure that a healthy and strong forest grows there - a natural forest that is cared for with a great deal of commitment and love and is growing into a unique biotope. Namati now knows the forest like the back of his hand and is always fully committed.

This time, however, we have prepared something very special for him: Instead of traveling to Togo ourselves, we invited Namati to Germany for a month to show him our domestic forest conservation projects DeutschlandPlus. After all, we wanted to give him the opportunity to get a first-hand impression of our work and experience life here at first hand - including the really cold temperatures that he is still getting used to!

A Togolese forester discovers the German forest

The first week was already full of new impressions for Namti: together with foresters from the Ahr valley, Namati explored German forestry and visited a tree nursery on the very first days, applied browsing protection to young trees and got to know the different tree species that grow here. A particular highlight was a trip to an elementary school, where he was able to experience forest education and see the children's amazed eyes as they learned more about the importance of the forest. These experiences are as fascinating as they are enriching for Namati - and they show us how valuable the exchange between our projects is.

Namati in Deutschland, Project Togo
Namati Verbisschutz, Project Togo
Namati Wald, Project Togo
Learning together, benefiting from each other

The visit is a gift for us. It is not only great to finally have Namati here with us, but also inspiring to share his view of the forests. He brings a completely different perspective - after all, Togo is often concerned with the protection and reforestation of endangered areas. Here in Germany, forest protection is just as much a focus, but the challenges are very different. We learn from him about life and work in the tropical natural forest, while he struggles through the winter forests here and is amazed at how much effort we put into caring for the native forest.

We are full of joy and excited to see what the coming weeks will bring. It really is a special experience to build a bridge between Togo and Germany together with Namati - and of course we will keep you up to date on how our dear guest continues to fare here in Germany!

Lust auf mehr Klimaschutz?

Get involved in our climate protection project PROJECT TOGO! Together with our forester Namati and the local team, we are creating a sustainable natural forest that protects the climate and preserves habitats.

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